Watershed Community Childcare is a compassionate and faith-driven childcare service uniquely situated within the welcoming embrace of our community church. Our mission is to provide parents with a trustworthy and spiritually nurturing environment where their children can grow, learn, and develop, all while experiencing the values of faith, love, and care.

  1. Faith-Centered Care: At Watershed Community Childcare, we believe that a strong foundation in faith and moral values is essential for a child's development. Our programs are infused with Christian principles, offering children age-appropriate stories, songs, and activities.
  2. Safe and Loving Atmosphere: We prioritize your child's safety and well-being above all else. Our caring staff, all of whom share a deep commitment to their faith, create a loving and secure environment where your child can feel comfortable and cherished.
  3. Spiritual Growth: Through our faith-based curriculum, children are introduced to Bible stories, prayers, and moral teachings that promote kindness, empathy, and understanding. We encourage children to ask questions and explore their spirituality at their own pace.
  4. Community Involvement: Watershed Community Childcare is an integral part of our church community. We encourage families to participate in church events and services, creating a sense of belonging and unity among our families.
  5. Parent Involvement: We value open communication with parents about their child's progress. This is a part of our commitment to providing a safe environment for both parent and child.
  6. Nurturing Environment: Our church-based setting provides a unique backdrop for your child's development, fostering a sense of belonging to a loving and supportive community.

General Information

Age Groups



For Parents

You pack a healthy snack or lunch for your child each day.
You pack a spill-proof water cup/bottle for your child each day.


Childcare Hours



Monthly Childcare Cost

Month-to-Month-   $890

Part Time-   $780

We offer a month-to-month childcare fee. No contracts and no registration fees. 

Supply Fee

Due at registration-   $150

If your membership is extended for a period of six months or longer, within a 12-month period, this fee will cover all of your child's supplies for up to one year. If you register 2 or more children, only one supplies fee will be required. 

Late Pickup Fee

Late pickup fee-   $10

Pickup time, Mon-Fri is 4 p.m. Late fees apply if child pick-up is after 4 p.m.


We have a limited capacity of 18 children. Reserve your spot today!